What is it? Why do we spend so much time and effort on it?
Worship has consumed most of my life. I live for it. It is my favorite time of the week. It is my favorite time of church. It lets me lay down everything I have to God. I can lift up my voice and shout to God. I can praise and thank my Heavenly Father for all He has done for me. Thank Him for all He is, for all He has done, and for all He will do.
Worship is a practice.
It can feel awkward if you have never done it before. Walking into a Wal-mart size room, with unfamiliar music blaring, and a massive amount of people jumping around, lifting hands, and crying out can be an uncomfortable atmosphere. The fact is that worship must be practiced outside of the church. It must be done in everyday activities and events. Acting worship outside of the church makes it all the more beautiful. When you worship God through school, work, relationships, and spending alone time with Him.. conjoined time of worship arrives, it becomes almost natural, special and exciting.
Lose "Me" in Worship
Lose yourself. I find when I stop think about myself, the quality of the music, or who is around me it is then when I find God. Worship isn't about me or you. It is about connecting with the Holy Spirit. Just sit and listen for His voice. Really focus on the words. I guarantee that each and every song has a specific meaning for your situation. Focus. He will show up...every time He will show up. Remember that Worship isn't about pleasing us. We do this act of worship to glorify someone that expands past our comprehension and understanding. When it becomes about Him, you see the true meaning of worship.
Lifting Hands?
Why do people lift their hand? You can praise God without lifting hands. This is a conversation and topic that I've been hearing a lot.
Is it wrong to not lift hands?
Nope. Not at all. God looks at the heart. He doesn't just connect with the people that lift their hands at the perfect time during the second chorus.
What are the benefits of lifting hands?
This is a benefit. It doesn't hurt you in anyway. It doesn't mean that you're worshiping less in anyway...but it is a spiritual booster. When we show this act of raising our hands, it is a physical act to God that we want to connect with Him. "I need you, I love you, You are everything to me, I don't care what people think about me, I'll go against my flesh..." All of these can be a sign of what you're saying to God. It is literally displaying to God that you're serious about worship.
What about the people that do it for show?
I hear the comment that people lift their hands just to get attention from other people or to try and show up others. Why do we even talk about this? "I saw Sally lifting her hands at worship the other night, but I heard her say a cus word right before service." Quotes like this I am sure we've all heard...and the point is who are we to judge them? Our job isn't to focus on who is lifting hands...or focus should be on a much bigger purpose. So next time you find yourself in that situation...just remind yourself that Jesus is present and no distractions should get in the way.
Worship is a necessary part of one's walk with Christ. It is a vital part for each day we walk with Him. It was made by God to benefit us. It should not be taken lightly or ever taken advantage of. We are blessed beyond our imagination to have the chance to worship our God everyday. I personally know that I look past my opportunity to truly worship.
Chase after God. Find out what pleases Him. Worship Him in every aspect of your life.
The King of this Universe...He wants to have a relationship with you...He wants to know you...He wants your heart.
Live Life For Him
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9 years ago
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